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Prevent deaths in nets - Whale and Dolphin Conservation

By A Mystery Man Writer

Help Whale and Dolphin Conservation stop the needless deaths of whales, dolphins and porpoises in nets and other types of fishing gear. #NotInOurNets

Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Decades of needless dolphin deaths must end - Blue Planet Society

What is Bycatch? Understanding and Preventing Fishing Bycatch

Why towing stranded whales and dolphins back out to sea doesn't always work

All About Bottlenose Dolphins - Conservation & Research

Goodbye Bycatch - Making UK seas safer for dolphins, porpoises & whales

Dolphins killed by fishing

Preventing Whale Entanglements with Ropeless Fishing Gear - Baleines en direct

WDC – www.

Help us prevent deaths in nets - Whale and Dolphin Conservation