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Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Portable Rope Making Machine

By A Mystery Man Writer

Abaca is a unique natural fiber known for its high tensile strength that is usually used to make rope whereas it is commonly found in the Philippines. The common method of making rope is by twisting means of the fibers that are usually done by hand whereas the use of machines led to production of vast amounts. Typical Rope making machines make use of large areas whereas the need for small and compact types would solve this dilemma. Parts of the machine are made with the use of Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and Polylactic Acid (PLA) for it is applicable in this type of situation. The produced rope in the portable machine was tested based on its projected tensile strength since this influence factors like the machine gear ratio settings, distance of second twist to spool, and number of strands that will complete the rope.

PDF] Mathematical and Physical Properties of Rope Made for Decorative Purposes

Damper, Custom Fabrication Services

Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Portable Rope Making Machine for Multi-Stranded Twisted Rope Using Abaca (Musa Textilis) Fibers

PDF) Mathematical and Physical Properties of Rope Made for Decorative Purposes

Rope Making Machines – Jeff Thompson

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Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Portable Rope Making Machine for Multi-Stranded Twisted Rope Using Abaca (Musa Textilis) Fibers

Mark Christian MANUEL, S&T Fellow, Doctor of Philosophy, MIRDC - Metal Industries Research and Development Centre, Kaohsiung, MIRDC, MPRD

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